13. Bonar, M., Northrup, J.M., and Shafer, A.B.A. Proximate drivers of migration propensity: a meta-analysis across species. Authorea Preprints DOI: 10.22541/au.171355881.18519829/v1
12. Webber, Q.M.R, Laforge, M.P., Bonar, M., Vander Wal, E. (2024) The adaptive value of density-dependent habitat specialization and social network centrality. Nature Communications 15:4423
11. Bonar, M., Anderson, S.J., Anderson Jr., C.A., Wittemyer G., Northrup, J.M., Shafer, A.B.A. (2022) Genomic correlates for migratory direction in a free-ranging cervid. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289:20221969
10. Northrup J, Vander Wal, E., Bonar, M., Fieberg, J., Laforge, M.P., Leclerc, M., Prokopenko, C.M., Gerber, B.D. (2022) Conceptual and methodological advances in habitat selection modeling: guidelines for ecology and evolution. Ecological Applications 32(1):e02470
9. Rheault, H, Anderson Jr., C.R., Bonar, M., Marrotte, R.R., Ross, T., Wittemyer, G., Northrup, J.M. (2021) Some memories never fade: Inferring multi-scale memory effects on habitat selection of a migratory ungulate using step-selection functions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:702818.
8. Huang, R.K.K, Webber, Q.M.R., Laforge, M.P., Bonar, M., Robitaille A.L., Balluffi-Fry J., Zabihi-Seissan S., Vander Wal, E. (2021) Coyote diet and spatial co-occurrence with caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99:391-399.
7. Laforge, M.P, Bonar, M., Vander Wal, E. (2021) Tracking snowmelt to jump the green wave: Phenological drivers of migration in a northern ungulate. Ecology 102:e3268.
6. Bonar, M, Lewis K.P., Webber Q.M.R., Dobbin M., Laforge M.P., Vander Wal, E. (2020) Geometry of the ideal free distribution: individual behavioural variation and annual reproductive success in aggregations of a social ungulate. Ecology Letters 23:1360-1369.
5. Webber Q.M.R, Laforge M.P., Bonar, M., Robitaille A.L,. Hart C., Zabihi-Seissan S., Vander Wal, E. (2020) The ecology of individual differences empirically applied to space-use and movement tactics. The American Naturalist 196, E1-E15.
2018 and earlier
4. Bonar, M, Ellington, E.H., Lewis, K.P., Vander Wal, E. (2018). Implementing a novel movement-based approach to inferring parturition and neonate calf survival. PLoS ONE 13: 1-16.
3. Bonar, M, Laforge, M., Vander Wal, E. (2017). Observation of a p < 10−9 life history event: implications of record-late caribou parturition on ungulate reproductive ecology and field studies. Canadian Journal of Zoology 2:133–137
2. Bonar, M, Manseau, M., Geisheimer, J., Bannatyne, T. Lingle, S. (2015) The effect of terrain and female density on survival of neonatal white-tailed deer and mule deer fawns. Ecology and Evolution 6:4387–4402.
1. Kadkhodayan, R., Colette, N., Bonar, M, Friel, J., Giles, L.B. (2007). Prenatal Administration of an Antioxidant Cocktail Alters Postnatal Expression of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase in Rat Lung. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 43:S93.